New Members - Welcome to Bitton Road Runners
To join our club or any enquiries please send a mail to:
All of us once wondered where to start and how to fit it in. How far to go? How fast? How often? Where? When? What to eat? What to wear?
Bitton Road Runners welcomes runners of all abilities. We hope you enjoy the club nights and we look forward to seeing you on a regular basis. It takes a while to get to know the ropes so here are a few tips about how it all works.
Club nights are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at Oldland Abbotonians Football Club, Castle road, Oldland Common
Each club night hosts a variety of runs – be that hill sessions, speed sessions or group runs on predetermined routes. Announcements start at 6:55pm and all runs leave the clubhouse at 7pm.
Car keys can be left in the key pile on the left of the bar while you are running. These are safely watched over by the football club bar staff.
Showers are available for all to use following your run. Kit can be left in the shower rooms while you’re running.
The car park can become very congested. Please double park to the left of the gate as you come in if you intend staying late. The rest of the car park, including the field during the summer, should be used for single parking; ie: early leaving.
Our membership currently costs £36 per year with membership of England Athletics optional at £16. We strongly recommend membership of EA as not only does it provide insurance for the club and training for our coaches it also gets you discounts including £2 of some race entries.
Club Championship
The club championships run from 1st April through until 31st March each year. Points are scored for the fastest time recorded in that year by a club member, men and ladies, over the following race distances: Marathon, 20 Miles, ½ Marathon, 10 Miles, 10 Kilometres, 5 Miles and 5 Kilometres. Only certified measured races count.
50 points are allocated for the fastest runner in each distance, with 49 points for the second fastest and so on down. Total scores are calculated for each runner as the aggregate of the best five scores over the seven distances. Prizes are awarded for the top ten male and female members.
Age graded championships
The age graded club championship runs from 1st April through until 31st March each year. Performance percentages and adjusted times are calculated from achieved times using the recognised WAVA open class standard and age factors for each distance as published in 2006. As there are currently no factors for the 20-mile distance this is calculated using the open standard and age factors for 30KM.
Points are scored for the highest age graded performance percentage in that year by a club member, over the same race distances as the club championships. 50 points are allocated for the best performance in each distance, with 49 points for the second best and so on down. Total scores are calculated for each runner as the aggregate of the best five scores over the seven distances. Prizes are awarded for the top ten members. This is a mixed sex competition
Super Series (formerly the Race of 8)
The race of eight series runs from 1st April through until 31st March each year. Points are awarded for times achieved in selected races that year by a club member. At the end of the year members who have competed in at least five of the selected races will be eligible to win their category.
10 points are allocated for the fastest time in each category, 9 points for the second time and so on down to 1 point. 1 point is also awarded to all finishers below 9th. Equal points are awarded for equal times.
The highest total points from any five races at the end of the series will decide the winner in each category. Runners not completing five races, regardless of their score will not be eligible for any prize. At the end of the year prizes are awarded for the top three finishers in each age category.
Club races
Our club organises 3 races each year.
The flagship is the Sodbury Slog held on Remembrance Sunday in November, quite simply not for the faint-hearted! Forget roads, this is a lung-busting, trainer-ruining, hill-climbing, multi-terrain challenge held over and through some of South Gloucestershire’s most stunning countryside. Attracting around 1200 runners annually, the route has used the same paths, fields, ditches and mud baths since its original inception in 1990. The race is held on Remembrance Sunday and is preceded by an exhortation, a two-minute silence, and playing of the Last Post, which sets the scene for a memorable day. The race is then started at 11:10.
The Hanham Horror held on Easter Sunday is a race that suits all abilities, friendly atmosphere, a chance to burn off those Easter eggs or make room for some.
The route covers just under 6 undulating, multi terrain miles. It starts at Vicarage Road playing fields in Hanham, before delving down to the scenic river Avon path. Then it’s up the 100 plus steps, before you go into the murky woodland trail. Mind your head on the pipe! Carry on along the winding river path under the ring road bridge, then maybe stop or just grab a drink at the water station. Carry on up through the woodland trail, back along the river, then it’s up to the rope climb. Smile as you pull yourself up. Not far now to the finish line. Job well done!
The 5K Summer Series is a set of 5KM races held along the fast and very flat Bristol to Bath cycle track from May through till August. Each race takes place on a Wednesday evening. Each race starts at 7:30pm from Bitton Station, with registration from 6:30pm onwards. Registration is at Bitton Station. There is also a juniors race the same time as the seniors race. The juniors meet at Bitton station at 7:00 for registration and depart at 7:30 after the seniors.
All these races raise a lot of money for various charities and for the club and they are the reason our membership fees are so low. It is a condition of membership that you help out at at least one of these events each year.

We have an experienced team of coaches that will help you get the best from your running whatever your ability. We have a variety of sessions covering hill sprints, intervals and tempo runs and Kenyan hills. If you’re targeting a particular event we can provide one to one coaching and mentoring to get you to your goals. Our Captains can give you advise on what races are available with their vest knowledge of racing and they also organise specific races for us to target which are usually well attended by club members.
Annual events
Every year in June we compete in the Welsh Castles Relays, a 20-stage relay over a weekend covering a total of 211 miles from Caernarfon Castle to Cardiff Castle. 10 stages on Saturday and 10 on Sunday. This is a very prestigious event and we are very proud to have a men’s and ladies team competing each year.
Also, in July on a Saturday, is the Cotswold Way Relays. This is a 10-stage relay along the beautiful Cotswold way finishing in Central Bath
These events are free for club members.
In December a big race for club members is the Christmas Cracker 10k held on the beach at Weston super mare. We organise a coach and most stay for a meal after in a local hotel.
Club social events
Every year we have a Christmas Party, an awards evening in May and regular social evenings at the club house throughout the year. We really are a very friendly social club that take running seriously but also know how to have fun.
Our Juniors
We have a thriving junior section that meets every Monday evening at 7pm at Yate Outdoor Sports Centre (YOSC) juniors start from age 7 upwards and we provide a coached, varied training session that’s always good fun, in a safe environment.
Club website and social media
We have a club website that can be found at or which contains loads of info about the club. Please take the time to have a good look at it, it’s a great resource to have at your disposal. We also have a Facebook page – just ask to be added and you then have the most up-to-date info.
Bitton Road Runners Kit List
Men's Club Vest (Blue & Yellow)* | £19.00 | S M L XL |
Ladies Club Vest (Blue & Yellow)* | £19.00 | XS(8) S(10) M(12) L(14) |
Men's Club T Shirt (Blue & Yellow)* | £22.00 | S M L XL |
Ladies Club T Shirt (Blue & Yellow)* | £22.00 | XS(8) S(10) M(12) L(14) |
Men's Technical T-shirt – Short Sleeve (Royal Blue or Electric Yellow) | £10.95 | S M L XL XXL |
Ladies Technical T-shirt – Short Sleeve (Royal Blue or Electric Yellow) | £10.95 | XS(8) S(10) M(12) L(14) |
Men's Technical T-shirt – Long Sleeve (Electric Yellow) | £13.50 | S M L XL XXL |
Ladies Technical T-shirt – Long Sleeve (Electric Yellow) | £13.50 | XS(8) S(10) M(12) L(14) |
Men's Technical Training Vest (Royal Blue or Electric Yellow) | £10.95 | S M L XL XXL |
Ladies Technical Training Vest (Royal Blue or Electric Yellow) | £10.95 | XS(8) S(10) M(12) L(14) |
Hoodie (Unisex -Royal Blue with Sun Yellow Inner Hood) | £20.95 | XS S M L XL XXL |
Hoodie Zip Through (Unisex – Royal Blue) | £22.00 | S M L XL XXL |
- All prices listed include £1 donation to club funds as agreed by the club committee.
- Size and style information on request.
- Orders are placed with KitCo on an ad-hoc basis. Please advise if order is urgent.
- Please ask about other items. We will try to meet your needs.
- Most items also available in lady-fit.
- Club Vests/Race T-Shirts
- Vests/T-Shirts must be worn for eligibility into club championships. You will need a vest or T-Shirt to take part in certain club events: Castles, Cotswolds and Mob matches.
- Items are held in stock.
- Payment required pre – delivery of item via Bank (bank details available on request).
- For kit enquires you can email Shelley Stiff