10k Improvers training plan

Week 1-Miller drive
3 laps 1 slow 1 medium and then 1 a little faster ,gentle run down to tower rd and then effort up
cow horn hill then back to club.
Week 2 hill efforts
Start at the top of cloverlea rd then recovery run to the bottom off the hill then the efforts start 10
loop , (can increase when runners get better )

Week 3 causley drive
Gentle run to Causley drive
3 fast loops at 10k pace
Then effort down craven way (pair up with another runner and try and hold a conversation -if they
cant talk there going to fast or find it easy not fast enough )
Tower rd
Effort up cowhorn hill

Week 4-efforts
Run to top off willbridge
Effort 1- down and up willbridge hill
Run to ellaombe
Effort 2 who off ellacombe
Effort 3 -long beech rd
Effort 4- California rd -meet at layby

Week 5 fartlik
Run to top off keynsham rd
Using lamp post both side run 2 slow 2 fast to bridge
Then small loop round keynsham
Then back to bridge and start efforts from here using lamp posts
2 slow 2 medium and 2 fast all the way back to start

I have chosen these as these are parts off the winter route and are well light and minimum traffic
May alter them around some weeks due to weather and size off group