We recommend that all members should be affiliated to England Athletics (EA)  the benefits of membership are listed below:

London Marathon club places

Every Year our club gets a guaranteed entry into London Marathon dependent on the number of members we have which are EA registered. We will be holding a ballot for this entry in September at the EGM, to enter you must:
  • Have been a member of a Year
  • Be EA registered
  • Have a rejection from this years ballot
  •  Send your request 3 days prior to the EGM to: committe@bittonroadrunners.org
Note, for 2024, guaranteed entries for clubs are:
  • Fewer than 10 members = 0 places
  • 10-39 members = ballot where at least half of the clubs will get 1 entry.
  • 40-189 members = 1 place
  • 190+ members = 2 places
If you win the Ballot but aren’t able to run then the place will go to the next person in the ballot.

Entry onto Club Races

A number of our club races are run under an EA license and require you to be a member, e.g.


Every registered member will be allocated a URN number which gives you a discount on the following:
  • Races a significant number of races will give you a discount.
  • Stores most stores will give anywhere up to 10%
Click this link to take you to the EA service where you will Find your URN

Power of 10

This is a service where your EA races results can be found, as well as being able to search other athetes results.


England Athletics subsidise and provide the training for our coaches and our welfare officers.

They also give advice and support the running of our club as well as insure our activities.

Visit your EA portal

Form here you can get a full list of the benefits and sign up to your EA Portal.