Bitton Road Runners /Thornbury Running Club Mob Match
Thursday 25th May 7pm start
Final details
Car parking (Lift sharing if possible as limited parking )
DO NOT park at Aust Services as there is a two hour time limit and you will incur a fine if you overstay.
Parking is at Manor Farm in Aust (BS35 4AT). The weather conditions this year so far have meant the field we were planning to park in has not yet been harvested. As a result, parking is limited and it is therefore essential that people car share and park tightly in the car park. Please only park where instructed to do so, the farmer is kindly letting us use his land, so we do not want to upset him.
Lift Sharing – if you wish to share a lift, please arrive at Oldland football club at 5;30pm for a swit 5:45pm departure. Once at the club, please arrange yourselves into groups and limit the number of cars travelling to Aust
There are no toilets at the venue. There are toilets at Aust Services.
Course Instructions
The course is a single lap of approximately 5 miles. It will start on the downstream side of the bridge and is a short 5/10 minute walk/run from the car park. Take care when crossing the roads getting to the start, traffic is traveling very fast. Please follow the signs to the start.
Please run on the left hand side and overtake on the right. There will be other users on the bridge such as walkers, cyclists and mopeds. No headphones of any kind should be worn.
From the start, the run takes you into Wales and takes you into the underpass where the Severn Bridge parkrun finishes. Proceed through the tunnel and turn left and left again to get back onto the bridge. The run will finish near the roundabout at Aust.
Chip Timing
When you arrive, seek out your team captains who will give you an allocated bib with a chip on it. When you come across the finish line, please make sure that you raise your hands in the air so that the chip can easily be detected by the equipment. Do not stop your watch on the line and risk not getting a time.
The run will be gun to chip. Given the nature of the course, we ask you to line up in speed order to reduce the amount of overtaking at the start.